Industrial Ecology (EPS 221)

Course Load/Credits: 120 hours/8,0.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
Industrial Symbiosis
Eco-Industrial Parks
Material Flow Analysis
Ecodesign and Biomimicry
Product Service-System (PSS)
Circular Economy

1- AYRES, R.U.; AYRES, L.W. A handbook of Industrial Ecology. Edward Elgar Publishing. 704p. 2002.
2- CHERTOW, M.R. “Uncovering” Industrial symbiosis. Journal of Industrial Ecology.v.11. n.1. p. 11-30. 2007.
3- KJAER, L.L.; PIGOSSO, D.C.A.; NIERO, M.; BECH, N.M.; MCALOONE, T.C. Product/Service-System for a Circular Economy: the route to decoupling economic growth from resource consumption?. Journal of Industrial Ecology. v 23. n. 1 p. 22-35. 2018.
4- BRUNNER PH, RECHBERGER H. Practical handbook of material flow analysis. New York: Lewis; 333p. 2003.
5- BENYUS, J.M. Biomimética: inovação inspirada pela natureza. Cultrix. 303p. 2003.